Toxic Effects of Solvent Exposure
Exposure to solvents has been associated with toxicity to multiple organ systems, including the kidney, [Brautbar, N., “Industrial solvents and kidney disease,” Int. J. Occup. Environ. Health 10(1):79-83 (2004); liver, Brautbar, N., et al., “Industrial solvents and liver toxicity: risk assessment, risk factors and mechanisms,” Int. J. Hyg Environ Health 205(6):479-491 (2002)]; lungs, Jones, K.R., et al., “Reactive airway disease in patients with prolonged exposure to industrial solvents,” Toxicol. Ind. Health 13(6):743-750 (1997), central nervous system, Dick, F.D., “Solvent Neurotoxicity,” Occup. Environ. Med. 63:221-226 (2006); connective tissue, Lacey, J.V., Jr., et al., “Petroleum distillate solvents as risk factors for undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD),” Am. J. Epidemiol. 149(8):761-770 (1999); the vascular system, Brautbar, N., et al., “Systemic vasculitis and prior recent exposure to organic solvents: report of two cases,” Arch. Environ. Health 59(10):515-517 (2004).
It has long been recognized that exposure to solvents causes hematologic diseases, including cancers such as leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Adegoke, O.J., et al., “Occupational history and exposure and the risk of adult leukemia in Shanghai,” Ann. Epidemiol. 13(7):485-494 (2003); Steinmaus, C., et al., “Meta-analysis of benzene exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: biases could mask an important association,” Occup. Environ. Med. 65(6):371-378 (2008). Occupational exposure to organic solvents has also been associated with kidney cancer, Brautbar, N., et al., “Occupational kidney cancer: exposure to industrial solvents,” Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1076:753-764 (2006); liver cancer. Lindbohm, M.L., et al., “Risk of liver cancer and exposure to organic solvents and gasoline vapors among Finnish workers,” Int. J. Cancer 124(12):2954-2959 (2009), and other cancers. Lynge, E., et al., “Organic solvents and cancer,” Cancer Causes Control 8(3):406-419 (1997).
The Metzger Law Group has successfully litigated cases of blood, kidney and liver disease from occupational exposure to solvents, and has also litigated many cases of leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myeloma from occupational exposure to organic solvents.